7th Becoming God's Partners
These five courses will walk us through God's plan to partner with His redeemed children to bring His love to those who would receive it.
CS3231 - Alive in Christ

Alive in Christ: A Study of Salvation concerns the doctrine of salvation. It presents salvation as both the will and work of God that rest upon Christ’s atoning work. The course gives preliminary consideration to the grace of God as the source of salvation. It examines the biblical teaching on election and foreordination as background for consideration of the respective roles of God and humanity in salvation. The author takes care to avoid the ...More

CS3331 - Counselor, Teacher, and Guide

Counselor, Teacher, and Guide is an introductory course on attributes of the Holy Spirit and His activities in the world from Creation to the present. He is presented as a personal, powerful, and practical Friend who abides in Spirit-filled believers and through them reveals Jesus Christ to the world. With the pentecostal experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit, the believer is empowered for witness, service, and holy living. The course is a pra...More

CS4141 - The Christian Church in Ministry

The Christian Church in Ministry is a practical course of study of the church and the people who make it a reality. Attention is given to the church’s redemptive ministry and the need for the believer to actively participate in this ministry.
The course is designed to help you in three ways: 1) It will help you understand the importance of the church in God’s plan for the world; 2) It will give you better understanding of the importance of...More

CS4241 - Starting New Churches

Starting New Churches is a practical course of study that stresses the importance of establishing new churches as a means of evangelizing the world. It gives guidelines so that any local church can be involved in the task of planting churches, thereby becoming a multiplying church.
The course is designed to help a person in three ways: 1) It will help one understand the purpose and function of the church as described in the New Testament; 2) I...More

CS4341 - Helping Christians Grow

Helping Christians Grow is a study of the biblical basis for the nurturing ministry and the practical application of teaching in the church today. It gives emphasis to the needs of the pupils in various stages of human development and to the various opportunities for Christian nurturing through the ministry of local church programs, sharing groups, and the Christian home.