9th God's Culture on Earth
The three courses will focus will be on living a God honoring life within our culture. These are the final courses required to earn your Christian Service Certificate.
CS6161 - Solving Life's Problems
Solving Life’s Problems—A Christian Approach is a study of the source of problems, methods of problem-solving, and ways of finding solutions, from a Christian perspective. Major universal problems are presented, such as problems in social and family relationships, problems of the single person, problems related to human sexuality, and other problems related to suffering and death. Biblical solutions are given for all of these problem areas, a...More
CS6261 - People, Tasks, and Goals
People, Tasks, and Goals is a course that presents the biblical foundations of leadership. It introduces students to the theory and practice of leadership and guides them in the application of both biblical and theoretical principles. The material is appropriate for both beginning and experienced layleaders and ministers, as well as for those who wish to train others in Christian leadership. The main emphasis is upon development of gifts and capa...More
CS6361 - Abundant Living
Abundant Living: A Study of Christian Character is a practical
course of study from Galatians 5 and related Scriptures. It
emphasizes the development of Christian qualities and their
outworkings in the Christian’s relationships and service. Biblical
definitions and examples are emphasized in describing the nine
dimensions of spiritual fruit, and practical applications are made
that relate these characteristics to the individual Christian ...More